
Monday, January 4, 2016

Imperial College/University

Introducton to HPC

To be offered Autumn, 2015

We will give a functional course on adequately utilizing PCs to tackle logical registering issues in building and the physical sciences.

The course is suitable for understudies with small processing foundation as it begins with a prologue to UNIX environment and to programming. The second 50% of the course is devoted to hands-on parallel programming.

Fortran90 is utilized to outline the ideas in light of the fact that it is a low edge dialect and understudies can begin composing parallel code after generally short guideline time. On the off chance that C was utilized, a great deal additional time would need to be spent on the programming presentation and code investigating taking center off the parallel part.


The significance of investigative processing has been quickly expanding in every aspect of science and building. It is key for understudies to figure out how to compose productive projects that exploit the (frequently considerable) computational force accessible to them.

Customarily, educating around there has concentrated on arranged dialects (C, Fortran) and less demanding to-utilize instruments, for example, Matlab. Be that as it may, nowadays most portable PCs use multicore processors, and a solid establishment in parallel registering is required also. This course mixes the conventional and "cutting edge" approach and acquaints understudies with Fortran 90, Python, parallel processing with OpenMP and MPI.

The course will comprise of 2 addresses and 1 lab session for every week (3 hours all out). There will likewise be 4 programming assignments, and a programming venture. Before the end of the course, understudies will be arranged to handle research issues utilizing the devices of cutting edge superior experimental figuring in an educated, viable, and proficient way.



Course Overview. Beginning - working with UNIX and the order line


Programming variant control with GIT and Bitbucket

L3 - L6

Programming and logical figuring with Python

L7 L10

Prologue to Fortran 90 - programming and utilizing prevalent libraries. Makefiles for multi-record codes.


Prologue to parallel figuring: Methods, devices, and execution

L12 - L14

OpenMP with Fortran90 for parallel programming of shared-memory PCs

L15 - L17

MPI with Fortran90 for programming on dispersed memory machines, for example, bunches

L18 - L19

Parallel figuring samples: quadrature, Monte Carlo systems


Course audit

Note: Good programming rehearse - arranging, unit testing, investigating, approval - to be coordinated with the above points and the programming assignments.
source:--Imperial College Introducton to HPC


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