
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Impact of Tourism

Impact of Tourism
It is a good source of earning foreign currency. It reduces gap of balance of payment, increased tax revenue, giving rise to economic development of nation. Provides new opportunity to marginalized people and women for economic independence, since it offers wage-based economic. Provides employment opportunities to local people, helps increase the standard of living and it is another new livelihood option, increased income security of local people. It may provide new market for local people to their products, such as agricultural product, livestock and others.
There is high risk of shifting traditional economy to market based economy, over dependent on single tourism industry. Living cost of local community may increase, may increase the demand for foreign goods and technology. It provides only seasonal employment, leaving people unemployed for rest of time. Some time it may exert pressure to import technology and infrastructure that the host-country economy cannot afford Higher the per capital income of people in the country, the chance of civil war goes on decreasing, so per capital income and civil war have inverse relationship. The main component of civil war is, per capital income, endowment of natural resources, size of population and ethnic-linguistic fragmentation. Income level of people has positive co-relation with maintaining peace in the country, improvement in the income of rural people of Nepal may help to end the ongoing conflict.
Social impact of tourism:
To understand the culture of a particular place it is important to know the value and custom of local people. Values and custom includes their clothes, music, dance, religious believes, art, historical place, different ceremonies, their unique lifestyle and food. Tourism always brings new people with new culture and values to local people. In short tourism is such an industry which brings people with different culture and religion into one place. Sometime it is common to be influenced by culture of one group and tries to adopt it. This may influence local people and people may lose their local culture and tradition. In Nepalese culture kissing in public place is not accepted, which is common in western society, so it is important to respect local culture by tourist. Also it will be more beneficial for tourist if they study about society of particular place before they make visit to that place. The main attraction of rural tourism in Nepal is its culture. Culture must be preserved in its originality. There are also other negative impacts of tourism in society such as increase in crime, increase of sex trade among women, increase in consumption of alcohol, negative impact in lifestyle of local people, exploitation of local resources, impact in religion and practice of local people, negative attitude toward tourism). Tourism must always preserve culture and promote to use local resources and manpower to promote economy of that place. On the other hand increased flow of tourists may aggravate the problem of traffic and parking in city areas, increases urbanization in places where there is more flow of tourism increasing noise and environmental pollution. Construction of new hotels and resort may have negative impact on monuments and buildings of historical significance as construction of big building near ancient monuments may decrease its beauty. Local youth are motivated for consumption of alcohol and uses of drug as they are enjoyed by tourist. It also increases illegal hunting and killing of wild animals for souvenir hunting. The negative impact of tourism in social and cultural life of people is change in value system, change in lifestyle, individual behavior, family relationship, safety and security, celebration of traditional ceremonies and community unity, creates some socio-cultural conflict among young and old generation to preserve it or go for some change. Tourism has created pollution in mountain region of Nepal, there is high demand of firewood due to increase number of tourist, to fulfill these need there is lots of deforestation, and harm in wildlife habitats, also there is lots of tin and plastic bottles, batteries that pollute the environment. Consumption of firewood in Annapurna conservation area project (ACAP) by tourist is twice the consumption of firewood of local people. There are many positive impact of tourism; it increases interaction among different culture and religion helping each other understanding one culture and religion. More interaction with other culture and religion give ample of opportunity to understand that culture and religion which lead to more respect to each other culture and religion which increases harmony around the globe. Today our world is facing many problems due to lack of understating religion of each other, tourism may help to reduce such differences by bring all cultural and religion people at a place. More flow of tourism increases awareness among local people to preserve their local culture and tradition, which is a main attraction of tourism. This further increases more flow of tourist to such places. Growth of tourism increases sanitation and hygienic of local people in least developed countries like Nepal. People built toilet for tourist and they start to use it for their own purpose too, improving hygienic and sanitation practice. People are motivated to pursue high education to obtain new job, increase literacy rate. Local people develop tolerance habit and attitude to appreciate other culture. It provides opportunity for social and recreational activities, increase individual confident. This gives a platform to exchange culture between people around globe, local people This gives a platform to exchange culture between people around globe, local people and tourist. It preserve old and traditional handicraft skills, motivate new generation to learn it. Local people are motivated to promote communal identity rather than self-identity. It provides opportunity for new generation to redefine and reclaim cultural and ethnic identity. Daily exposure and communication with outsider may motivate local people to adopt their lifestyle and values, loss of community identity.
source:- Bharat budhathoki


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