
Tuesday, December 8, 2015



Newar is generally called Nepal Bhasa and Newari. Newar is talked today as a neighborhood vernacular by the Newar people, the indigenous occupants of Nepal Mandala, which involves the Kathmandu Valley and incorporating locale. Outside Nepal, Newar is talked in India, particularly in Sikkim, where it is one of eleven power vernaculars. Notwithstanding the way that "Nepal Bhasa" really means "Nepalese tongue", the lingo is not the same as Nepali , the country's available power vernacular. The two vernaculars fit in with assorted tongue families (Sino-Tibetan and Indo-Aryan, separately), however many years of contact have achieved a significant gathering of shared vocabulary. Newar was Nepal's definitive tongue from the fourteenth to the late eighteenth many years. Since the begin of the twentieth century, Newar has encountered power covering. In the midst of the period 1952 to 1991, the rate of the masses in the Kathmandu Valley speaking Newar dropped from 75% to 44%, and Newar society and vernacular are under danger.
The soonest occasions of the name Nepālabhāṣā (or Nepālavāc) can be found in the structures of a publication to the Nāradasaṃhitā, dated 1380 AD, and a scrutinize to the Amarkośa, dated 1386 AD. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, the name has been used by and large on engravings, pieces, records and books. In the 1920s, the name of the vernacular known as Khas Kura, Gorkhali or Parbatiya was changed to Nepali, and the tongue began to be legitimately suggested as Newari while the Newars continued using the first term. Then again, the term Gorkhali in the past national tune of commitment entitled "Shreeman Gambhir" was changed to Nepali in 1951. On 8 September 1995, following quite a while of crusading to use the old name, the organization picked that the name Nepal Bhasa should be used as opposed to Newari. In any case, the decision was not completed, and on 13 November 1998, the Minister of Information and Communication issued another command to use the name Nepal Bhasa instead of Newari. On the other hand, the Central Bureau of Statistics has not been doing in that capacity.
History and change
As showed by the etymologist Glover, Newari and Chepang lingo probably veered around 2200 BC. It is evaluated that Newari offers 28% of its vocabulary with Chepang. Meanwhile, an immense and basic degree of Newari vocabulary is Indo-European in beginning stage, on one gage more than half demonstrating an effect of no under 1600 years from Indo-European languages:first from Sanskrit, Maithili, Persian, and Urdu; and Today from Hindi, Nepali and English. Newar words appeared in Sanskrit engravings in the Kathmandu Valley unprecedented for the fifth century. The words are names of spots, costs and stock showing that it starting now existed as a talked lingo in the midst of the Licchavi period (approximately 400-750 AD). Engravings in Newar rose up out of the twelfth century, the palm-leaf sythesis from Uku Bahah being the first case. By the fourteenth century, Newar had transformed into an administrative tongue as showed up by the official pronouncements and open notice written in it. The principle books, manuals, histories and dictionaries moreover appeared in the midst of this time. The Gopalarajavamsavali, a past loaded with Nepal, appeared in 1389 AD. From the fourteenth century onwards, a stunning number of stone engravings in the Kathmandu Valley, where they are a widespread part at legacy destinations, are in Newar. Newar made as the court and state vernacular of Nepal from the fourteenth to the late eighteenth many years. It was the positive vernacular of stone and copper plate engravings, distinguished presentations, chronicles, Hindu and Buddhist unique duplicates, power reports, journals, title deeds, correspondence and exploratory written work. Records of the life-cycle elements of Malla sway and the materials used were made as a section out of Newar. The period 1505-1847 AD was a splendid age for Newar composing. Verse, stories, legends and shows were made in exceptional numbers in the midst of this time which is known as the Classical Period. Starting now and into the foreseeable future it entered a period of decline as a result of power complaint and generally all around attempts to stamp it out.
Newar can be portrayed into the old and new times. Regardless of the way that there is no specific division between the two, the period 1846-1941 AD in the midst of the Rana organization is taken as the apportioning period between the two.
Old fashioned
A specimen of the vernacular of the out of date period is given by the going with line from the palm-leaf unique duplicate from Uku Bahah which dates from 1114 AD. It is a general trade of business trades.
chīna ḍhākō tr̥saṃghaṣa paribhōga, chu pulēṃga kītya bipāra vastra bivu mikhā tivu maduguna chu sāta dugunava lhai
Medieval period.
 The tongue flourished as an administrative and academic lingo in the midst of the medieval period.] Noted famous writers consolidate Mahindra Malla, Siddhi Narsingh Malla and Jagat Prakash Malla. A specimen of the tongue used in the midst of this period is given by the going with lines from Mooldevshashidev created by Jagat Prakash Malla.
dhu chēguki pāchāva vāhāna
tilahita biyā hiŋa lāhāti thāya thāyasa
The verse is a delineation of Shiva and the usage of a tiger skin as his seat.
Faint age
Newar began to be sidelined after the Gorkha triumph of Nepal and the ouster of the Malla custom by the Shah organization in the late eighteenth century. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, its history has been one of enduring disguise and fight against power dissatisfaction.Taking after the methodology of the Shahs, the Gorkhali tongue transformed into the court vernacular, and Newar was supplanted as the lingo of association. Then again, Newar continued staying in power use for a period as showed up by the 1775 game plan with Tibet which was formed in it. Several the new rulers built up the lingo. Rulers Prithvi Narayan Shah, Rana Bahadur and Rajendra Bik


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